Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19th - CHLOE AND BRADY

Chloe had her pulmonary appointment yesterday. She was nervous and did not want me to answer any questions. She kept interrupting the conversation trying to get me to focus my attention on her. The nurse did ask Chloe if she wanted to participate in the conversation. In Chloe’s fashion, she said no and gave her a dirty look! Chloe then wrapped herself in the privacy curtain to keep herself entertained. When the doctor came in, he examined her. He took the time to look at her fingernails and toenails and listened to her lungs. The doctor wants to make sure that Chloe does not have any signs of clubbing. I am grateful that all of Chloe’s nails appear normal. Chloe had another x-ray done to make sure that the pneumonia was completely gone, thankfully it was. Chloe’s immunologist had contacted her pulmonologist doctor with the concerns she had. She wanted an x-ray done to make sure that they appeared healthy after her bout with pneumonia.

After Chloe’s appointment and x-ray, Brady had blood work done. Brady is having genetic testing for PDD NOS (also known as Atypical Autism). They are looking for specific genes, such as, PTEN and Fragile X. The first attempted did not go very well. When the lab tech was drawing blood, she blew out the vein, so they had to try the other arm. I was not happy with the lab tech at all. Brady was so upset and crying. I felt so bad. Thank goodness, I had my husband in the room to help me. Chloe was also in the room, she did not want to stay behind, and she wanted to be there helping her little brother. Chloe is such remarkable little girl. She stood next to Brady the whole time consulting him and letting him know that she was there for him. After the lab tech was done, she gave both kids a balloon. Brady stopped crying after he received the balloon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My 14 month old daughter has polysplenia and abdominal situs inversus. She had Ladd's procedure at 5 1/2 weeks. She's doing fine except for being anemic and low weight gain. Can you email me at It seems you have a lot of knowledge on the subject...thanks!!!!