Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Alexander's Fight - Baubles for Boston

A dear friend of mine is making hand-crafted Christmas ornaments.
Alexander's Fight - Baubles for Boston


Money raised will help mend Alexander’s broken heart, as they travel across the country in April of 2013.  Please help this family out if you can. 

To learn more about little Alexander please stop by his Facebook page and blog spot.  Please follow the links noted below.

Please also read what his mother sent me so I could add it to this blog post.  This is a short bio on Alexander.
Written by Heather Williams

Alexander is our fourth, youngest and described as the “surprise bonus baby”.  He’s also our only boy.  He’s 18 months old, blond hair/blue eyes, enjoys cars, trucks and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

He also has heterotaxy syndrome.

We knew of one of his major heart defects before birth; informed he’d need surgery within his first few weeks.  We expected his start to be rocky, but were not aware of heterotaxy until he was near 24 hours old.  Even then, there were few answers.  Our doctors treated it as something secondary to his ever-growing list of congenital defects.  Only genetics seemed interested.  We proceeded with a modified surgical plan.

As we became more educated about heterotaxy, we became more wary of having surgery at our home hospital.  Alexander’s very complex and needs a surgery that is modified from a surgery performed regularly nearly thirty years ago, but rarely today.  Amongst the four cardiac surgeons at our facility, none had ever performed the textbook version of the procedure, let alone the improvisation Alexander needs.

During this time, our family has tightened our belts.  We’re a middle class family, and when major medical expenses are added we’ve found a balance where we’re making it, but we go without a lot.  It’s a burden we’re happy to take on; Alexander is our miracle, but it makes adding further expense difficult.

However, that’s what we’re doing.  After consulting with other parents and doctors, we are electing to take Alexander to Boston Children’s Hospital to finish the repair on his broken heart.  We feel that the amazing cardiothoracic team there has just enough moxy, knowledge, skill and modesty to perform miracles on our miracle boy.  This is a cross-country trip that we’re willing to do for our special guy.

To help meet those goals, I (Alexander’s proud mommy) decided that I would try to contribute to his cause.  I have been crafting for years, and we decided to offer some of my baubles for donations.  The response has been incredible.  I have been humbled by others kindness and generosity, and every penny that is donated is going directly to airline tickets, lodging costs and other travel expenses as we take him cross country for surgery.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Thank you, Ana! Your support and love are much appreciated <3