Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Medium

How do I start to find a happy medium for Chloe? As a parent, I need to do what ever I can to help her along the way. My only wish for her is that she never feels sorry for herself and to believes in herself like I believe in her. I want her to have as much as a normal childhood as possible. However, the other side of me wants to put her in a bubble to protect her. With that said, I need to find a happy medium. She needs to experience everything life has to offer and at the same time be a little caution of it.


Patty said...

I am so glad you stopped by my blog and through that found yours. Just today, Mei-Ling has a little temp and we are all worried. She also has lost a pound in the last few weeks. Every little thing causes great concern for her parents and for everyone else in her extended family.

Unknown said...
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