Types of Specialists a child with Heterotaxy with Polysplenia or Asplenia may need to see:
Cardiologist: A specialist in the treatment of conditions related to the heart
Gastroenterologist: A doctor who specializes in issues related to the gastrointestinal system, including the intestines, stomach, liver, and other organs
Immunologist: A physician who cares for children with problems involving the body's immune "defense" system
Infectious Diseases: A doctor who specializes in treatment of illnesses caused by infectious organisms such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites in any organ of the body
Genetics: The branch of biology that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms
Otolaryngologist: A doctor who specializes in issues related to Ears, Nose, and Throat
Pulmonologist: A doctor who specializes in issues related to lungs
Studies involving Heterotaxy…Chloe attended a study back in January 08 at NIH & we found it very helpful…
Tests your child may need if they have Heterotaxy with Polysplenia or Asplenia
Upper GI
Abdominal Ultra Sound
CT scan
CBC count
1 comment:
Anabella, You are amazing. I cannot believe how much info you are sharing and collecting and making sense out of. Heterotaxy is such a complicated syndrom. When we got the diagnosis for our son we were devestated. We had no where to turn for information...I so wish we could have stumbled upon a wonderful resource, like your blog 4 years ago.
Everything can be so complicated...but you seem to have effortlessly stitched it all together - your presentation of this information is like the security blanket we never had with DJ.
Kudos to you...and I hope that by sharing information with others...answering other people's questions, you and Chloe find bits of information that will help you both cope, grow and experience life as full as you can.
You are amazing.
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