Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This is what it is all about!

A reader sent this email to me. A special Thank you to the reader who took the time to send a comment to me. Please know that I am happy that I could help.


Just came across your web site and I am just beyond amazed with all the knowledge that you have shared. Thank You. My daughter was just diagnosed with polysplenia and we were not told really any information so I have been searching non stop and this is the best information that I have found. Thank you so much for your dedication and time that you have taken to spread awareness and to help others through this diagnosis.

June 30, 2008 2:49 PM


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you...this is an amazing site....you know I wish so bad we had known Soph was asplenic....how is little Chloe these days? Happy 4th

Patty said...

I so agree that your blog is just a wealth of information. So many times my daughter has been able to ask Mei-Lings drs about the things you mention, giving all of us more clarity on things.
You are a blessing !