Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I feel so renewed. My family and I spent 10 days in the White Mountains. It was just what we needed! We went camping in North Conway. The campground was on the Saco River. The kids loved the water and it was so clean. My cousin’s family also went camping with us. I love spending time with the family. It means the world to me. We also went camping in Falmouth (Cape Cod)for 5 days. The children absolutely love the campground at the Cape. The campground has such great actives for the kids and grown up’s too.

I am so excited about getting back to writing and I hope that over the next few months I will be able to do some researching on other syndromes that go with Heterotaxy. There is so much to read about. I have to take one syndrome at a time so I don’t feel so overwhelmed.

I also want to hear from you. I want to be able to share your stories with everyone. I believe it is important for everyone to know the “DIFFERENT FACES OF HETEROTAXY.” If you would like to submit a story about your child I would be proud to post it on my blog. It only takes 1 person to help spread awareness around the world.

My hope for the furture is that the NIH will be doing more studies. I also hope that the NIH will work on doing a medical pamphlet on Heterotaxy and the syndromes that are associated with it.

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