Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What happen to a letter?

It all started yesterday when I picked up Chloe from. The school had this sign that stated NO PARKING ON THIS SIDE OF THE STREET. Then this morning, I received an AUTOMATED phone call from the principal at my daughter's school. The message basically stated to parents that busses would be released before walkers. Well can you guess what happen next? The principal hired a police officer to deliver a message to parents who pick up their children at school.

I agree with the principal and officer a 100% that parents should never park on the other side of the street because of emergency reason. However, I do not agree with the officer telling parents not to pick up their child and let them ride the bus. He also stated that the children who take the bus have been arriving home 10 to 15 minutes late. Because, of parents picking up their child at school. Yes, you heard me right. I had to ask other parents to validate what he said. And “YES” I heard correctly.

This is my thought….Instead of the principal wasting school money to have a police officer try to put the fear of GOD in parents; why not hire the officer to direct traffic… The principal never came out to address the parents one on one…He never even sent a letter home to voice a concern …What he did do was use a sign, used an automated messaging and then hired a police officer to deliver a warning.

My question to the principal is...WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LETTER?

1 comment:

Sophie's Mom said...

They have the same kind of traffic problems at my daughter's school....but they came up with a process and the principal and teachers are out there everyday making sure people are where they are suppose to be...How's Chloe?