Thursday, August 28, 2008

Update on Chloe

Yikes! Chloe is going to kindergarten. I have a hard time believing it myself. Where has the time gone? My little girl is off to a big school. Yes, I am a little nervous about it especially with cold season upon us. I know I can’t keep her in the bubble and she needs to experience everything that life has to offer her. It is hard at times to find that “Happy Medium” and letting her go out on her own without me. How, am I going to keep an eye on her? Who is going to be there to ensure that nothing goes wrong? Yes, I am dealing with a lot right now. But, don't worry about me because I will work through my fears.

One of the ways that is helping me deal with my fears was meeting with the school nurse and Chloe's teacher. I went there yesterday and had a chance to get to know them one on one. I have to say they seem to be wonderful and caring individuals and I felt comfortable with them. In the meeting, I tried my best to explain to them what it means to have Heterotaxy Polysplenia with functional asplenia. The school nurse already did her home work and had idea of what the syndrome is. However, she still wanted my intake on it and how it affects Chloe. I made sure to emphasize that Chloe has a mild form of it and that she has a good prognoses. But, they are certain things we need to watch out for in order to keep her healthy and safe. She asked me, if I could have Chloe’s doctor write a letter stating that it was okay for her to attend school. At first, I was taking back by it but after some thought it made sense, as to why she was asking for it. I didn’t mind at all to contact Chloe’s doctor for the letter. Chloe’s doctor is great and took the extra to step to explain in the letter that I and the school nurse need to be contacted if Chloe has a fever, vomits, diarrhea, or looks ill.

Please also make sure to give them a copy of your child's fever plan or asthma action plan. I made sure to give a copy to the nurse yesterday so she in place it in Chloe's medical file.

1 comment:

Laura said...

WOW - what a big step! Hope you both deal well! I was pretty good for DJ to start junior Kindergarten, but now that he is in Senior-K and Anderson is starting J-K, I am bit of a basket case - I cannot believe both are in school! At least I get a break in the mornings with just having the baby girl!!!

Good Luck!

For DJ we make sure he wears his medicalert bracelet and we made a sign for next to the classroom phone with the toll free medicalalert phone number and a short list of issues so that it is handy if 911 is called.