Thursday, August 28, 2008


Why are support groups important for parents like you and I? One of the reasons is that it gives us a chance to talk to other parents like you and I who have children with similar problems. As you know, there is not enough information out there for families so by speaking to other parents; it gives us a chance to find out what they know about their child’s syndrome. The second reason, I feel that a support group is useful is because it helps us to comprehend what we read. In other words, we are able to ask questions to other parents, get their input, and an intake on their experience. It is important to remember, that one must always remember to report any problems or concerns to your child’s doctor first.

Here is the support group that I belong too. Please note, parents who belong to this support group have children with Heterotaxy with Polysplenia, Asplenia, or Funtional Asplenia.

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